Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The end of June....

Well, June is over, so that means....
1. I am done with BOTH of my graduate classes for the summer! I am tired of writing research papers, 4 total... BTW I got an "A" in each class!
2. I am done with writing curriculum for the district! Can't wait to try the new ideas in my Family Living class
3. I have finished my summer internship with Ibsen Costume. The experience was awesome and I am so excited to teach Fashion History using Costumes in my CAD Fashion 1-2 classes!
4. Summer break is nearly 1/2 way done.... that is not a good thing!
So, tomorrow is July and that means....
1. VACATION to California with the family!!!!
2. Time to read what I WANT TO READ, not books for class!
3. Time to catch up on movies that I have been meaning to watch
4. Time to clean up my house
5. Time to watch Seasons 2 & 3 for Party of 5!
6. 4th of July party at the Oholendt's house
I am definitely looking forward to relaxing, spending time with my family and not having to do homework!

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